Tim Walz (National Guard, Command Sergeant Major)

MONTHLY VETERANS SPOTLIGHT by Mark Finley, Army veteran Tim Walz (National Guard, Command Sergeant Major) Tim Walz served six terms …

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Featuring Legislative Panel

ZOOM in On October 16th:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87122675756?pwd=amZ1OHdnVzFtYm9yRmFhejRUMGxWUT09

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Walt Borton (Navy, YN2)

“Living and Writing His Values”

Walt Borton (Navy, YN2) -“Living and Writing His Values” Walt Borton (former Navy E-5) is an observer of life. He’s …

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Walt Borton
Communications Director

Walt Borton, a NM registered Democrat since 1996, was raised in Nebraska and Ohio. He served in the US Navy …

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Panaiotis has been building websites since the turn of the century and is currently Webmaster for VMFC and the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, among others.

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Stephani Patten (Navy, E5)

“Life is an Evolution”

STEPHANI PATTEN (Navy, E5) – “Life is an Evolution” Life as an evolution from one state of being to another, …

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