Dorothy Seaton, MAJ (ret), is a Vietnam-era veteran who enlisted as a private in the U.S. Army in 1971, attended Women’s Army Corps (WAC) basic training, and served on active duty as a medical records photographer at Brooke Army Medical Center. After active duty she joined the National Guard, served in four different states, earned her Bachelor and Master degrees, was commissioned, and commanded a Public Affairs Detachment. Dorothy is an award-winning Army photojournalist, an editor, and was New Mexico’s Public Affairs Officer (PAO).

Dorothy is a past President of the Bataan Chapter of the American Veterans for Equal Rights (AVER), past Vice President of Women Veterans of New Mexico, and continues to serve veterans as a leader in our Caucus. She is the CVA Chair, a Bill Manager for key legislation, and Leads our Veterans’ Court Task Force. Dorothy is also the CD3 Representative on the Bylaws Review committee and applies her PAO magic liberally to the Caucus’s benefit.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Debbie Sarinana


    We have a legislative opening in Christine Trujillo’s district (25) as of July 1. We could sure use a Veteran in that position. Do you know of any veterans that may want to apply? District 25 is the the Coronado/Winrock Mall area. I belive it is from Louisiana toSan Mateo area. Let’s talk. Debbie Sarinana

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