America Serves New Mexico

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Why VMFC supports funding for Phase II of America Serves

New Mexico has 142,000 veterans and ranks 13th highest in the US.

Many veterans and families depend on services and other resources to transition back to civilian life and fully reintegrate
to society.

The number one problem reported by veterans is how to find and access the resources available to support them and their families.

New Mexico has 156 veteran service provider organizations that work independently.  There are overlaps and gaps in services which makes it challenging for a veteran to identify where to go for assistance.

AmericaServes is the country’s first coordinated network of  organizations dedicated to  erving the military  community by connecting  them to the  resources specific to their unique needs.

Around the Country 18 AmericaServes sites have been stood up in the past 10 years.

IVMF has valuable lessons learned and best practices that provide the local team working to build their coordinated care
network. New Mexico Serves will be the 19th site.

The goal is to establish a single point of entry so veterans can access multiple services in fewer steps.

IVMF provides resources to assist with the implementation of New Mexico Serves.

New Mexico Serves works with the existing organizations and agencies to create the coordinated care system. No new organizations are brought into the state.

New Mexico Serves will be a vital resource for veterans and their families.

AmericaServes works with New Mexicans to create 
New Mexico Serves for Veterans

AmericaServes is a program run by the D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University. They have developed a model and process for assisting a large city or state provide coordinated community care for its veteran population. It strives to be a “One Stop Shop” to guide veterans to receive medical care, behavioral healthcare, job placement, housing, transportation and assistance with accessing benefits earned while serving in the U.S. military. Essentially a system that guides veterans to reintegrate into society once discharged from their military service.

The coordinated community care system is an organization that creates smart referrals that match clients to the right services based on eligibility, availability, and capacity. The network community providers then deliver care and services with impact tracked from start to finish.

In 2022 junior money funded Phase I, Landscape Assessment, of NM Serves. The IVMF team traveled extensively throughout NM, visiting many rural, suburban, and urban communities including the Navajo Nation, pueblos, and tribes for 9 months meeting with veterans and the 156 veteran service providers in NM to assess the supply and demand for relevant services. They briefed their survey results and recommendations to the interim Military and Veterans Affairs committee.

Challenges for building a coordinated care system in NM are the large size of the state, serving the rural and urban communities, and designing the optimal network system to serve all veterans and their families.

Phase 2, the Design phase, costs $225,000 and Bernalillo County has issued a letter of support to serve as fiscal agent for the legislators’ funding and the Veterans Integration Center (VIC), non-profit organization, which will host IVMF.

Details of Phase 2, the Design phase:

  • IVMF will host a series of listening sessions across the state focused on soliciting feedback from community stakeholders on the design of a coordinated care system in NM. Questions will be centered on data collected and analyzed from Phase I, but will be specifically focused on “What right looks like” for designing a coordinated care system in NM and will focus on questions including but not limited to: network leadership and oversight, centralized vs. regional network infrastructure, technology needs, and sustainability and funding.
  • IVMF will also engage with key institutional stakeholders on the above questions to ensure proper feedback and alignment from across community providers, state and federal agencies, and others.
  • Upon collecting feedback from across the state, IVMF will draft a roadmap for NM that will detail a recommended network design, implementation timeline and milestones, and other relevant information needed to inform the successful roll out of a coordinated care network in New Mexico.

What’s next?:

  • Phase 2, Design, will take about a year to complete. 
  • Phase 3, Supporting and Implementation could take a year or longer. 
  • Phase 4, Steady State, ensures the system is operating sustainably. 

IVMF’s Director of Community Services, Vincent DelSignore, is available to discuss any aspect of NM Serves and their process. He can be reached at (315) 863-2699 or


Dorothy Seaton
Chair, Committee for Veterans Advocacy
Phone: 512-618-3600

Claudia Risner
Chair, VMFC
Phone: 505-357-5334

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