• LoS: Letter of Support
  • PP: Position Paper
BillShort TitleDescriptionSponsorStatusPPLoS
HB 0011Paid Family & Medical Leave ActWould create a fund by which employers would pay employees while on family or medical leave, paralleling the federal FMLA in conditions and adding the benefit of paid leave.v-Chandler, Serrato, Roybal Caballero, J. Martinez; StewartHHHC - DP; HCEDC - DP; House Passed 38-31; STBTC - DP; SFC - failed to pass (8-3)PP - PFLMALoS - PFMLA
HB 0047Veteran Property Tax ExemptionsWould provide direction to county assessors/collectors to implement the property tax exemptions allowed under the constitutional amendments approved by the votersv-De La Cruz, A. Martinez, Terrazas; FigueroaHGEIC - DP; HTRC - DP; House passed 62-0; STBTC - DP; SJC - DP; Senate Passed 39-0. Gov signed.
HB 0070Behavioral Health Medicaid Waiver ActWould require that the Health Care Authority develop an application, apply to the federal centers for medicare and medicaid services for authorization to operate a medicaid waiver program, and operate that program for persons with behavioral health disabilities. Behavioral health disabilities are defined as major mental illness, substance use disorders, disabilities related to traumatic brain injury, and more.v-T. Lujan, Dixon, Szczepanski, Hochman-Vigil, MatthewsHHHC - DP; HAFC - DP; House FloorLoS - Medicaid Waiver
HB 0158Military Base Planning & Impact ActWould create and appropriate $12 million to a grant fund to provide assistance for infrastructure projects to defense communities impacted by realignment or potential realignment of defense worker jobs or United States military facilities. Requires the military base planning commission to advise defense communities about the availability of the fund.Sariñana, A. Martinez; PopeHLVMC - DP; HAFC - DP; House Passed 63-0; SFC - released; Senate Passed 40-0.
HB 0159Energy Project Siting & Military BasesWould require a developer of a renewable energy facility to advise the Military Base Planning Commission within ten days of submitting notice of construction or expansion to the FAA, and also within ten days of receiving approval or finding of adverse impact from the military aviation and installation assurance siting clearinghouse.v-Sariñana, A. Martinez; PopeHENRC - DP; HLVMC - DP; HJC - DP; House Passed 64-0; STBTC - DP; Senate Passed 41-0.
HB 0161State Park Day Passes for VeteransWould make available at no charge one day-use pass and one camping pass to all (not just disabled) veterans for NM state parks.v-Dow, A. Martinez, Lujan, Sariñana; Jay Block and 16 moreHLVMC - DP; HRDLC - DP; House Passed 59-0; SCONC - DP; Senate Passed 39-0. Gov signed.
HB 0186State-Administered Health Coverage PlanAKA "Medicaid Forward" Would allow individuals under 65 and with incomes above 133% of the FPL to apply for Medicaid. For some, the benefit would be totally funded while others would pay a small premium.v-Szczepanski, Anaya, Gurrola, Parajón, Roybal Caballero; JaramilloHHHC - DP; HAFCPP - Medicaid ForwardLoS - Medicaid Forward
HB 0245Compensation for Veterans BenefitsAKA "Claim Shark Bill" Would enact in statute that it is a violation of NM consumer protection laws for a person to seek compensation for helping a veteran to obtain a military disability rating, unless that person is accredited by the VA.v-Sariñana, A. Martinez; BrandtHLVMC - DP; HJCPP - Veterans BenefitsLoS - Veterans Benefits
HB 0342Property Tax ChangesSee SB 192LenteHTRC
HB 0417Liquor Tax Changes & ProgramsAKA "AHA Bill" Would cause the liquor excise tax to fund an Alcohol Harms Alleviation Fund and would apply a liquor excise surtax (sales tax) of 6% to be collected from the retailer (point of sale) in order to fund a Tribal Alcohol Harms Alleviation Fund. These funds would be used for education, mitigation and treatment of alcohol use disorders. Would establish both a local alcohol harms alleviation council and a tribal alcohol harms alleviation council to manage the distribution of grant funds according to formulas laid out in the bill. Requires a review of the taxes and distributions by 2032.v-Cadena, Parajón, Ferrary, Thomson; Pinto, Sedillo Lopez and 4 moreHHHC - DP; HTRC - DP; Re-referred to HTRC for amendment where it died on tie vote.PP - Liquor Tax Changes and ProgramsLoS - Liquor Tax Changes and Programs
HB 0448Office of Housing Planning & ProductionSee SB 205Dixon, Anyanonu, Parajón, Borrego; PadillaHGEIC - DP; HAFC - DP; House Passed 49-17; SHPAC - DP; SFC - 3/20
HB 0460Repeal Liquor TaxesWould repeal the liquor excise tax and defund the county DWI programs and other programs funded by this tax. VMFC strongly OPPOSES this bill.v-John BlockHHHC - TABLED
HB 0571Building Housing CommunitiesWould create an award program that would incentivize municipalities to adopt certain affordable housing standards as promulgated by the DFA.Dow, Romero, Henry, JohnsonHRDLC - DP; HGEIC - DP; House Passed 59-0; STBTC - DP; Senate Passed 37-0
HJR 0001Session Length, Subjects, and Overrides, CAWould establish two 45-day sessions per legislative biennium, remove the subject restrictions for bills in even-numbered years and allow for veto overrides within a biennium.v-McQueen, Montoya, Szczepanski, Brown; Cervantes, WoodsHGEIC - DP; HJC - DP; House Passed 59-4; SRCPP - Session Length, Subjects and Overrides
HJR 0008Legislative Session Changes, CAWould establish two 45-day sessions per legislative biennium, remove the subject restrictions for bills in even-numbered years and allow for veto overrides within a biennium.Montoya, Brown, De La Cruz, Terrazas, and moreHGEIC - DP; HJC
HJR 0011Change Anti-Donation Clause, CAWould repeal the anti-donation clause, thereby allowing the State to directly fund projects undertaken by third parties without a fiscal intermediary, as long as those projects are for a public purpose and are established via legislation.v-Cates, A. Romero, Chandler, Roybal CaballeroHGEIC - DP no rec; HJC Sponsor has pulled bill.PP - Anti-Donation ClauseLoS - Anti-Donation Clause
HJR 0018Commission on Legislative Salaries, CASee SJR 1Rubio, GarrattHGEIC
HM 0027Anti-Donation Clause Interim Committee WorkRequests the Legislative Council to task an interim committee to assess how best to implement the exception to the anti-donation clause adopted by the voters. The exception pertains to services primarily for residential purposes defined as "essential services" - "infrastructure that allows internet, energy, water, wastewater or other similar services as provided by law".Serrato, JF Hernandez, Roybal CaballeroHGEIC - DP; House Passed 40-21
SB 0001Behavioral Health Trust FundWould allocate $1 billion to a Behavioral Health Trust Fund, the investment proceeds of which would be used to fund a Behavioral Health Program Fund which would then fund behavioral health initiatives in the state.v-Muñoz, Stefanics, Woods, Jay Block; Hochman-Vigil and 14 moreSHPAC - DP; SFC - DP; Senate passed 37-5; HAFC - DP; House Passed 46-19; Gov signedPP - Behavioral Health Trust FundLoS - Behavioral Health Trust Fund
SB 0002Public Health & Safety InitiativesWould make appropriations to fund SB 3v-Shendo, Muñoz, DM Gallegos, Jay Block; Hochman-Vigil and 16 moreSHPAC - DP; SFC - DP; Senate Passed 37-4; HAFCPP - Public Health & Safety
SB 0003Behavioral Health Reform & Investment ActWould task the AOC with creating regional plans to include continuation and expansion of behavioral health services that comply with behavioral health standards established by the Office of Insurance and be held to behavioral health evaluation guidelines established by LFC.v-Wirth, Stewart, Sharer, Jay Block; Hochman-Vigil and 13 moreSHPAC - DP; SFC - DP; Senate passed 37-5; HHHC - DP; House Passed as amended 44-23; Senate has concurred with HHHC amendments; Gov signed.PP - Behavioral Health InvestmentLoS - Behavioral Health Investment
SB 0016Non-Major Party Voters in Primary ElectionsWould allow for DTS voters to vote in a major party's primary without re-registering.v-Figueroa, Wirth, Maestas; Rubio, Cates, ParajónSRC - DP; SJC - DP; Senate Passed 27-11; HGEIC - DP; HJC - DP; House Passed 36-33.PP - Non-Major Party Voters in PrimariesLoS - Non-Major Party Voters in Primaries
SB 0161Background Checks for DMA EmployeesWould require state and federal background checks for Department of Military Affairs employees who have responsibility for youth 18 and younger participating in DMA programs.v-Padilla, PopeSJC - DP; SFC - DP; Senate passed 30-0; HLVMC - DP; HJC
SB 0190Homelessness ReductionCreates a homelessness reduction division within the Health Care Authority which would collect data for a data integration system. Also creates an interagency homelessness reduction task force to recommend policy, regulations and resources for the implementation of a homelessness reduction plan and would be advised by a homelessness reduction advisory council.PopeSRC
SB 0192Veteran Property Tax ExemptionsWould amend veteran property tax exemptions to conform with the constitutional amendments approved by the voters. Provides for transfers to a new primary residence, provides limits to valuation for certain property improvements, provides for penalties to report or for fraudulent claims, increases pay for valuation protest board members, and clarifies valuation revenue streams.O'Malley, PopeSTBTC
SB 0205State Office of Housing Planning & ProductionWould create the Office of Housing Planning & Production, attached administratively to the Department of Finance and Administration. The purpose of the Office of Housing Planning and Production is to reduce housing costs; increase statewide housing availability, including housing for low-income and homeless households; maximize resources to address statewide housing needs; address the underlying factors that are impacting housing costs and limited supply; grow local programs and capacity to address housing needs and further fair housing; identify state resources for housing; and track housing progress through goal setting and data.Padilla, Nava, Gonzales; Dixon, Anyanonu, ParajónSHPAC - DP; SFCLoS - State Office of Housing
SB 0216Rent Control & Certain EntitiesWould repeal the prohibition on political subdivisions and home-rule municipalities from enacting rent control.Lopez, Sedillo Lopez, Pope, Pinto; Roybal CaballeroSHPAC - DP; SJC
SB 0219Medical Psilocybin ActWould allow the use of psilocybin in an approved setting to treat certain qualified conditions.v-Steinborn, Hickey, Brandt; Thomson, A. Romero, and 4 moreSTBTC - DP; SJC - DP; SFC - DP; Senate Passed 33-4; HHHC - DP; House Passed 56-8LoS - Medical Psilocybin
SB 0273Veteran Transitional HousingAppropriates $500,000 to DVS to fund veteran transitional housing.v-Stefanics, Sharer, Thornton, Jay Block; Sariñana and 3 moreSIRC - DP; SFC
SB 0373Domestic Violence By Military MemberWould require notice to an authority at the military installation where the member is assigned if they have been involved in child abuse or neglect, or domestic abuse. Seeks MOUs with the military installations to effect this notice. Also requires communication of a domestic violence order of protection.Sedillo LopezSHPAC
SB 0378Liquor Tax RatesRaises the excise tax paid by wholesalers by 20% on most alcoholic products, excepting those produced by craft brewers/distillers.SharerSTBTC - Hold for tax package
SB 0431Liquor Tax Changes & ProgramsSee HB 417Sedillo Lopez, Pinto; Ferrary, Parajón, CadenaSTBTC
SB 0432Behavioral Health Grant Pgm & FundWould dedicate 2% of the liquor excise tax and 5% of the cannabis excise tax to a behavioral health grant program fund. Would also dedicate 2% of the liquor excise tax to the health care authority to increase medicaid reimbursement for new or existing programs or services for the prevention, treatment and screening of behavioral health issues.Lanier, Woods, BrantleySHPAC
SB 0466Liquor ChangesWould create another class of restaurant for serving of alcoholic beverages, would remove the three drink maximum, would remove the limit as to proximity with churches, and would create "entertainment districts" where such businesses could proliferate. Would also adjust and in some cases reduce the cost of certain liquor licenses. VMFC OPPOSES this bill.MaestasSTBTC - DP; SJC
SB 0497No Armed Services Retirement Tax Exempt LimitWould remove the $30,000 cap on the amount of retirement income that can be exempted from state income tax.Ramos, J. A. Sanchez, Jay Block, ThorntonSTBTC - Hold for tax package
SJR 0001Legislative Salaries Commission, CAWould create a commission to recommend legislator's salaries and amend the constitution to allow the state to pay legislators' salaries.v-Figueroa, Wirth, Duhigg; Garratt, Rubio and 2 moreSRC - DP; SFC - Bill failed on tie votePP - Legislative SalariesLoS - Legislative Salaries
SJR 0012Legislative Session Changes, CAWould create two sixty day sessions, remove the limitations on the second session and allow veto overrides during both sessions.Lopez, Pinto, Sedillo Lopez, PopeSRC
SJR 0013Open Primary Elections, CAWould amend the constitution to allow any voter, regardless of party affiliation, to choose which primary they desire to vote in. More permissive than SB 16.PintoSRC