Become an Advocate
  • Register to vote
  • Contact your legislators
  • Voice your opinion
  • Join forces with us to learn about and track priority bills, attend committee meetings, and offer public comment or testimony.
Register to VOTE

If you are a New Mexico resident you can register, update your registration, and get information about voting at the Secretary of State’s website.

Contact your Legislators

New Mexico’s two legislative chambers are the Senate and House of Representatives. There are 42 Senators and 70 Representatives who represent us, and our responsibility is to let them know how we want them to vote on bills and why.

Voice your Opinion

Call or email your Representative and/or Senator and ask them to vote to support a bill you favor. Explain why it is important to you, how it will help veterans and their families, and that you are talking to neighbors about this issue.

Submit testimony on issues that impact your own life as a veteran or a military family. For assistance or if you have a question please contact the Caucus Committee for Veterans’ Advocacy at email

Map of NM Senate Districts with Senator’s names is here

Map of NM House Districts with Representative’s names is here